WE PROVIDE.Because we are Reliable.
Manifest database provides very valuable world trading and shipping bill of lading data that will help you find new opportunities/challenges in the global trade and global markets.

WE MONITOR.To Redefine your Brand.
Manifest database monitors market competitions and provide best trading reports based on bill of lading data and cargo shipping records to you to make best use of it in your industry.

WE HELP.Make our Customers Happy.
Manifest database helps you find new markets for your product based on imports data we provide that reveals cargo types, suppliers, importers, exporters, volumes and specific timing.
"Easily Compare Cargo Trading Seasonality and Track World Traders Actions."
Food & Beverages
Clothing & Garments
Trading Reports By Cargo
Throughout millions of trading cargoes shipped on daily basis, we offer a customized trading report at a reliable. prices gathered from all countries bill of lading data we provide for both import and export trading niche.
Full Scale Bill of lading data
Among over 50 countries around the world imports and export, manifestDB cover a reliable and satisfying amount of bill of lading data that will reveal country trading activities, cargo seasonality and top traders.
Traders Contacts
Our customers can easily reach top traders through valid and actual contacts mentioned on bill of lading data, phone numbers, addresses and email addresses.
Country Coverage
Trading volumes is well defined by country’s trading nature through imports and exports of different cargoes and in different seasonality made it an important act to cover several countries at the same period of time for easily comparison and evaluation processes.
Our Proficiency
Trading Reports
Cargo Description
World Bill of Lading Data
Traders Contacts
Country Coverage